Dr. Caudron-Herger, Maiwen (1987)
Diplom Physics (2001)
PhD (2005), EMBL / Université Strasbroug
Thesis: "Spatial coordination of spindle assembly by chromosome- mediated signalling gradients"
2006 - 2017: Postddoctoral fellow
2018 - present: Staff Scientist, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg

Dr. Hagemann, Ulrike
Forest Science
MSc Forestry (2005)
PhD (2010), Dresden University of Technology / Canadian Forest Service
Thesis: "Bryophyte-regulated deadwood and carbon cycles in humid boreal forests"
2011 - 2016: Postdoctoral fellow, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.
2014 - 2021: Deputy Head of Institute and Expert for Research Strategy and Research Organisation (since 2017), Institute for Landscape Biogeochemistry at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V
seit 09/2021: Selbständig

 Dr. Shnitsar, Iryna
 Dr. Zirn, Birgit

Dr. Lipka, Katerina(1977)
Particle Physics
Honors Diplom in Nuclear and Particle Physics (1999) Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia
PhD (2001), Humboltd University of Berlin
Thesis: "Double spin asymmetries in diffractive vector meson production at the HERMES experiment"
Postdoctoral fellow at DESY and University of Hamburg
2008: Leader of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group, "Physics of gluons and heavy quarks from HERA to the LHC." DESY Hamburg
2008-2013 Leiterin einer Helmholtz Nachwuchsgruppe „Heavy quarks and Gluons from HERA to the LHC“
(Habilitations- gleichwertige Leistung).
2018/2019: Erfolgreicher Antrag W2/W3 auf Helmholtz Professur DESY/Universitaet Wuppertal mit dem Projekt „Fundamental couplings at the precision frontier“
Seit 2020 Professorin an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal in gemeinsamer Berfufung mit DESY Hamburg



 Dr. Petri, Jana (1978)
Diplom (2004), Berlin, Thesis: "Spatial and temporal regulation of glucuronidase expression
directed by R-flanking regions of one deoxy-xylulose phosphate synthase and three monoterpene synthases in /Arabidopsis thaliana/".
Posdoctoral fellow, AG Verhaltensbiologie, Berlin
Present: Mentoringbeauftragte FB BCP und Stellvertr. Frauenbeuftragte Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, FU-Berlin sowie am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Koordinatorin für das College for Life Sciences
 Goto-Silva, Livia

Dr. Lenk, Sabine


Dr. Friedrich, Alexandra


Friese, Viviane


Dr. Ritter, Petra

 Ayadi-Miessen, Amina

Prof. Schreiber, Susanne
Diplom (2000)
PhD (2004), Humboldt University, Berlin
Thesis: "Frequeny preference and reliabilty of signal integration: the role of intrinsic conductances"  "
2004 - 2008, Postdoctoral fellow, Charité and Bernstein Center for Computional Neuroscience, Berlin
2008 - 2009: Group leader, Humboldt University, Berlin
2009 - present: Junior Professor for Computional Neurophysiology, Humboldt University, Berlin

 Shabanova, Ekaterina

Dr. Wittkopp, Nadine (1981)
Diplom (2006) Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen
PhD (2010), MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen and Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Thesis: "Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in zebrafish"
2010 - ? Postdoctoral fellow (EMBO), the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, The Netherlands
? - present, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz



Prof. Dittrich, Petra

 Mishra, Ritu