| 2007 |
| Dr. Caudron-Herger, Maiwen (1987) Biophysics Diplom Physics (2001) PhD (2005), EMBL / Université Strasbroug Thesis: "Spatial coordination of spindle assembly by chromosome- mediated signalling gradients" 2006 - 2017: Postddoctoral fellow 2018 - present: Staff Scientist, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg |
| Dr. Hagemann, Ulrike Forest Science MSc Forestry (2005) PhD (2010), Dresden University of Technology / Canadian Forest Service Thesis: "Bryophyte-regulated deadwood and carbon cycles in humid boreal forests" 2011 - 2016: Postdoctoral fellow, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. 2014 - 2021: Deputy Head of Institute and Expert for Research Strategy and Research Organisation (since 2017), Institute for Landscape Biogeochemistry at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V seit 09/2021: Selbständig |
| Dr. Shnitsar, Iryna |
| Dr. Zirn, Birgit |
| Dr. Lipka, Katerina(1977) Particle Physics Honors Diplom in Nuclear and Particle Physics (1999) Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia PhD (2001), Humboltd University of Berlin Thesis: "Double spin asymmetries in diffractive vector meson production at the HERMES experiment" Postdoctoral fellow at DESY and University of Hamburg 2008: Leader of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group, "Physics of gluons and heavy quarks from HERA to the LHC." DESY Hamburg 2008-2013 Leiterin einer Helmholtz Nachwuchsgruppe „Heavy quarks and Gluons from HERA to the LHC“ (Habilitations- gleichwertige Leistung). 2018/2019: Erfolgreicher Antrag W2/W3 auf Helmholtz Professur DESY/Universitaet Wuppertal mit dem Projekt „Fundamental couplings at the precision frontier“ Seit 2020 Professorin an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal in gemeinsamer Berfufung mit DESY Hamburg |
| Dr. Petri, Jana (1978) Biology Diplom (2004), Berlin, Thesis: "Spatial and temporal regulation of glucuronidase expression directed by R-flanking regions of one deoxy-xylulose phosphate synthase and three monoterpene synthases in /Arabidopsis thaliana/". Posdoctoral fellow, AG Verhaltensbiologie, Berlin Present: Mentoringbeauftragte FB BCP und Stellvertr. Frauenbeuftragte Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, FU-Berlin sowie am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Koordinatorin für das College for Life Sciences |
| Goto-Silva, Livia |
| Dr. Lenk, Sabine |
| Dr. Friedrich, Alexandra |
| Friese, Viviane |
| Dr. Ritter, Petra |
| Ayadi-Miessen, Amina |
| Prof. Schreiber, Susanne Biophysics Diplom (2000) PhD (2004), Humboldt University, Berlin Thesis: "Frequeny preference and reliabilty of signal integration: the role of intrinsic conductances" " 2004 - 2008, Postdoctoral fellow, Charité and Bernstein Center for Computional Neuroscience, Berlin 2008 - 2009: Group leader, Humboldt University, Berlin 2009 - present: Junior Professor for Computional Neurophysiology, Humboldt University, Berlin |
| Shabanova, Ekaterina |
| Dr. Wittkopp, Nadine (1981) Biology Diplom (2006) Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen PhD (2010), MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen and Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Thesis: "Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in zebrafish" 2010 - ? Postdoctoral fellow (EMBO), the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, The Netherlands ? - present, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz |
| Prof. Dittrich, Petra |
| Mishra, Ritu |